Blog at “Rays of Healing Light”

Read posts about  Animal Communication,  Energy Healing,  Spiritual Ascension,  Nedda’s Animal Family,  Case Studies,  and more. . . .

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Delusions of Spring

Delusions of Spring

While Starlight sleeps, Melissa yawns and complains that the weather has been too cold.   It may be different where you live, but here in Connecticut, we're having a very strange winter. Melissa, who loves to be outside and really needs to be outside for a short...

Melissa Hears the Call of the Wild

Melissa Hears the Call of the Wild

Melissa, the Escape Artist Even as a kitten, Melissa would climb up to look out high windows. A few days ago, July 6, 2017, Melissa opened the sliding door on the porch and "escaped" from the house.  She was gone for 40 minutes or so. Melissa has escaped from the...

Do animals feel pain and emotions?

Do animals feel pain and emotions?

The UK Parliament Says "No." What does this limiting belief reflect within us? This limiting belief that animals feel no pain or emotions still seems to linger on. Those of us who are empathic and who are awake and aware KNOW  that animals feel pain just as we do, and...


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