Is Animal Communication a Spiritual Path?

by | Mar 23, 2018 | Animal Communication | 1 comment

Starlight in cat tree with toy.

Starlight is Echo having a feline experience!

The first time I heard someone say that animal communication was a spiritual path, I was startled by the idea.

For me, talking with animals was a natural and “normal” part of my life. I had been doing it since I was a child. How could this be a spiritual path when it was an every-day event for me?

I was already a professional Animal Communicator when I first encountered this idea, and over the years, it kept reverberating through my mind.

In retrospect, I can see now how very true it is that Animal Communication has been a spiritual path for me.

It was Echo, my Arabian horse, who opened me up spiritually in the 1980’s. She has been my companion, guide, teacher, and friend for many lifetimes. Whether in or out of a body, she is with me all the time.

Echo, just by being who she is, showed me more about myself, about animal communication, and about the vast possibilities of spirituality.

And today, Echo is still with me.  She is Starlight.  And she is still in her spirit form, all the at the same time.

The animals are spirit in a body, just as we are.  When we open ourselves to receive their messages, we learn more about who they are, and even more about who we are.

This is why Animal Communication is a spiritual path.

It’s a way to discover the vastness of human potential.

It’s a way to merge our consciousness with that of another.

It’s a way to expand our awareness.

It’s a way to experience Unity Consciousness.

Have you ever merged into an animal body?

The meditation, “Becoming an Animal” is one I love to share with students in my classes.  You can do it over and over again because it’s never the same.   Each time you merge, you learning something new about an animal and, potentially, about yourself.

Merging with an animal confirms that we are not limited to our own body.  We are consciousness first and a physical body second.

Merging with an animals enhances your animal communication skills by taking them to another level.

Merging with an animal expands your spiritual consciousness.

Spanish Riding School - merging with a horse while riding.

Spanish Riding School – Merging with a horse while riding.

This was always my goal when I road Echo:  to be physically and spiritually merged at the same time.  She showed me how to do that, and it was AWESOME!!

So if you feel called to learn animal communication, perhaps one reason is that it may be a part of your spiritual path.

Let the animals guide and teach you.  They have much to offer.

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1 Comment

  1. Dorothea Lowe

    The teacher of Eckankar, called the “Mahanta, the living Eckmaster” is also an inner and outer teacher simultaneously. He said that his body is just the matrix for the Holy Spirit but if we cannot relate to him, to pick an animal friend instead. At the end it is always the Holy Spirit which is guiding and teaching us. It always surrounds us, it always teaches us in so many ways, it protects, heals and always,always loves us.


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