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Rays of Healing Light

Animal Communication

Multidimensional Energy Healing™

Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™

Recent posts on Case Studies

Case Study: Defying the Odds

Veterinary Prognosis: She Won’t Survive. Ellie, one of my clients, called me about a dog named Abby who had been viciously attacked by another dog. The attacker had ripped open Abby’s belly and intestines. Even after major surgery, things didn’t look very good for Abby. I was told that the veterinarian had little to no hope for Abby’s recovery. Had Abby also heard this? And if she had, did she accept the veterinarian’s viewpoint as written in stone?

Case Study: Molly stops scolding.

Photo by Erik-Jan Leusink on Unsplash One of my first Animal Communication cases was solved by teaching my client a way to communicate with her own animal. My client, whom I'll call Lisa, was a semi-retirement computer software documenter, working 4 days a week. ...

Case Study: Rooper Transformed

Rooper   When Alane called me, she said she was at her wit's end with Rooper, her one and a half year old cat. Rooper was extremely nervous about going outside.   He could not seem to bond with Alane or tolerate any affection from her.  Most disturbing of all, he...


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