Pay for Services
Purchase Services at Rays of Healing Light.
Purchase by Special Arrangement
Scheduling Information
Scheduling Your Session
Scheduling Information
New clients
Your session will be scheduled when Nedda receives your completed intake form and your payment.
Current clients
Your session will be scheduled when Nedda receives your payment.
Appointment hours (Eastern Time, USA)
Weekdays: 10 or 11 a.m.; 2 or 3 or 7 p.m.
Match your time zone to New York City to synchronize schedules.
World Time Buddy
How to Schedule
By phone 1-860-651-5771.
By email:
Sessions are available by phone, Zoom or Skype.
Include in your email or phone message:
Your first and last name.
Your time zone.
Your phone number with area code.
What type of session you want to schedule.
Purchase Animal Services
Animal Communication
Nedda speaks with you and with your animals at the same time so you can explore questions and resolve issues together.
When you open your heart to listen to their messages and viewpoints, a subtle shift occurs that transforms your relationship.
Telepathic Animal Communication makes it easier to create win/win solutions that overcome the challenges you’re facing together.
New Client Intake Form
Complete the Animal Communication Intake Form.
When you submit the form, you’ll be returned here to make your payment.
Make Your Payment
Energy Healing for Animals - Packages
Your animal companion receives a healing session from Nedda. Nedda emails you after the session. A few days later, you and Nedda have a 10-minute update conversation to evaluate progress.
New Client or Existing Client with New Animal.
Schedule an Animal Communication session first.
In that session, Nedda and her healing teams will determine the best healing approach for your animal, and your companion will decide whether working with Nedda feels safe.
Package Options
All sessions in a package are for the same animal.
To purchase for more than 1 animal, buy more than 1 package.
All sessions must be used within 60 days of purchase.
- 1 session – $136
- 2 sessions – $252 (Save $20)
- 3 sessions – $368 (Save $40)
Make Your Payment
Animal Preparation for Surgery
Prepare your animal friend for optimal surgical outcome and healing: balance the body; set positive intentions; energetically clear surgical space; and more.
Preparation for Surgery Intake Form
If more than one animal is scheduled for surgery at the same time, you can include all the animals in the same Animal Preparation for Surgery Intake Form if they are having the same type of surgery.
For example, if 1 kitten is being spayed and another is being neutered, you can include both in the same form. In this exame, change the quantity field to 2 (two) to pay for each animal’s Preparation.
If the surgeries are different, such as repairing a cruciate ligament for one and doing a spay or neuter for the other, complete 2 separate intake forms. Then make one payment by changing the quantity field to 2 (two) to pay for each animal’s Preparation.
Each time you submit a form, you’ll be returned here to make your payment, but you can complete all the forms first, and then make 1 payment for all the Preparations.
Make Your Payment
HASTA: Healing and Support for Traumatized Animals - Packages
HASTA packages are intended for animals who have been traumatized and would benefit by moving up and back between Animal Communication sessions and Energy Healing sessions on an as-needed basis. Trauma releases in layers and thus requires multiple sessions to achieve the best possible results.
New Client or Existing Client with New Animal.
Complete the HASTA Intake Form.
When you submit the form, you’ll be returned here to make your payment.
Purchase Options
All sessions in a package are for the same animal.
To purchase for more than 1 animal, buy more than 1 package.
All sessions must be used within 60 days of purchase.
- 2 sessions – $260 – Save $20.
- 3 sessions – $380 – Save $40.
Make Your Payment
Purchase Human Services
Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™
Nedda supports, guides, and encourages you as you let go of the past, remove blocks, overcome obstacles, and choose to be the Sovereign being that you are.
Now is the time to set yourself free from limitation and expand into Higher Consciousness.
New Clients
Complete the Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™ Intake Form.
When you submit the form, you’ll be returned here to make your payment.
Package Options
All sessions in a package are for the same person.
To purchase for more than 1 person, buy more than 1 package.
All sessions must be used within 60 days of purchase.
- 1 session – $144
- 2 sessions – $268 (Save $20)
- 3 sessions – $392 (Save $40)
Make Your Payment
Multidimensional Energy Healing™
Your body knows how to heal itself.
Regardless of the physical challenge you are experiencing, Energy Healing supports your body’s natural healing abilities and systems by clearing away distorted patterns, energetic blocks, and other obstacles that may imped your recovery.
New Clients
Complete the Multidimensional Energy Healing™ Intake Form.
When you submit the form, you’ll be returned here to make your payment.
Package Options
All sessions in a package are for the same person.
To purchase for more than 1 person, buy more than 1 package.
All sessions must be used within 60 days of purchase.
- 1 session – $136
- 2 sessions – $252 (Save $20)
- 3 sessions – $368 (Save $40)
Make Your Payment
Preparation for Surgery
Set energies and intentions for a successful, comfortable, and rapid recovery from surgery and other medical procedures. The work is done prior to your surgery/procedure.
Nedda reviews the information you provide in the intake form and helps you create powerful intentions for the outcome you are choosing to experience.
All Clients
Complete the Preparation for Surgery Intake Form.
When you submit the form, you’ll be returned here to make your payment.
Make Your Payment
Multidimensional Body Scan
All the answers to your questions are available within you, even if you are not able to access them directly yourself.
All of your 7 energy bodies are included in the scan. With the assistance of your I Am Presence, Soul, and Spirit Guides, the answers you seek may be revealed.
How to Prepare
Write a list of questions and issues you would like to have included in the scan. Your questions can be on any subject that is important to you.
Bring the list with you to your session. No need to email the list.
Make Your Payment
Special Arrangements
Special Arrangements
Special circumstances sometimes arise where you will be directed to use this button.
Nedda will tell you what to put into the “Message to Nedda” field.
She will also tell you the amount of your payment, which you will enter in US Dollars.
Use this button only when instructed to do so by Nedda.
- Fill in the “Message to Nedda” field with the text Nedda gave you.
- Fill in the amount.
- Complete your payment.