Animal Communication FAQ’s

What is Animal Communication?

ANIMAL COMMUNICATION is telepathic communication between a human and an animal.  It is a natural form of communication for animals, and for humans as well.

You can telepathically communicate words, ideas, feelings, emotions, concepts, and detailed information.

Think of it as an expansion of  your intuitive abilities.  

Animal Communication is very old. Native peoples all around the world have been communicating telepathically with animals for eons.

Some people first experience this type of communication with their animals when they suddenly have a knowing, an awareness that “something is wrong” with one of their animal companions.

If you’ve had this experience and taken your animal to a veterinarian, and the veterinarian discovered that your animal was very sick, that was confirmation for you of your expanded intuitive sense.

Can anyone learn animal communication?


We are all naturally telepathic from infancy. I’ve actually had telepathic conversations with newborn human infants.

I know of one mother who has used telepathic communication with her twin boys since they were in her womb.  She continued to communicate with them in this way after they were born, and both her boys continue to be telepathic with each other, with her, and with the family’s animal companions.

Many young children who have animals in the family will speak telepathically with the animals very naturally.  This was the case with me.  We had many cats and dogs when I was a child, so I just naturally communicated with them.

As we grow up, we may stop using our telepathic abilities because older children or adults ridicule us for speaking about our intuitive knowings and actual conversations with animals.  This causes most people to shut down and stop using their telepathic abilities.

Anyone who wants to re-learn Animal Communication can revive that already God-given ability through a workshop or course.

Are some animal species harder to communicate with telepathically?

No.   However, some individual animals may be more reticent than others.

However, there are situations in which the answer might appear to be “yes.”

Factors which contribute to difficulties with certain species are:

  • Emotional blocks towards certain species, such as fear of spiders, dogs, cats, or other species.
  • Limiting beliefs that certain species are less intelligent than others, such as the idea that dogs are smarter than cats, or that cows are stupid, or other similar beliefs.
  • Respect is essential when speaking with anyone, and animals can tell immediately if you’re talking down to them instead of treating them as equals.  They are less willing to communicate if you don’t respect them.
  • Wild animals vs. Domestic animals – Animals who live with humans are generally more interested in communicating with us, whereas animals who live in the wild may be less interested.  That said, there are always individuals who may just be more interested in speaking with you, and others who don’t care to do so.

It is unhelpful to make sweeping generalizations about specific species.  Most animals, if approached with genuine respect and regard for who they are, will be willing to have a telepathic conversation with a human.  Then it’s up to us to get past our own fears and limiting beliefs.  When you can do this, you can have many wonderful conversations with animals of all species.

What If I don’t hear words when communicating telepathically?

There are many ways to receive telepathically.

If you expect to receive telepathically in a particular form, you may block the way you are actually receiving information.

If you want to hear words, for example, rather than telling yourself, “I must not be getting anything,” try noticing how you are receiving information.  You’ll soon discover that you receive telepathically some other way.

Ways of receiving telepathically are:

  • Auditory:  words, phrases, or other sounds, like grunts, barks, purrs, tweets, and so on.
  • Visual:  seeing images and pictures.  I’ve had students whose first style of receiving was like a movie or a slide show.   Another student saw cartoon images.
  • Knowings or Intuition:  an awareness that is subtle, but definitely present.
  • Physical sensations:  you feel in your physical body what the animal is communicating.
  • Feelings or emotions:  you feel an emotion, but you know it isn’t your own.

When you accept your current style of receiving, you’ll experience a feeling of success.  Other ways of receiving will appear with practice.

Do animals “tune in” even when I don’t?

Yes, most animals in your presence will “tune in” to you telepathically when you speak your messages and questions to them out loud.

Animals who are around humans expect us to speak out loud and will quickly respond to this, especially when you speak with animal’s name.  Once you have their attention, you can continue the conversation by giving a message verbally or telepathically or both.

In general, most humans find it easier to vocalize while speaking telepathically.  This is because our minds chatter so much that we often become distracted. Vocalizing helps us stay focused.

When communicating aloud to an animal, it helps the animal to understand your message when your mental images and feelings align with the words of your message.

Animals who live with humans understand many of our spoken words. Having consistency between your thoughts, feelings, mental images, and spoken words makes it easier for them to understand you.

With practice, you can learn to connect telepathically with an animal and have entire conversations without vocalizing. Developing this skill can be helpful if you’re in another location from your animal and other humans are present.

Does the animal have to be in the same room with me?

Geographic location or proximity are irrelevant to clear telepathic communication.

With clients all over the world, I’ve never had difficulty communicating telepathically.  It’s always instantaneous and clear, as long as the animal chooses to communicate or isn’t dehydrated or suffering from some other health problem that is interfering.

The animal can literally be anywhere on or in the earth, in the waters, or in the skies.  Your own animal companion can be at the vet, in day care, out at pasture, or wherever is appropriate.  You can be on vacation, on a business trip, or wherever you need to be.

Telepathy is also the language of all beings from the higher realms, such as angels, ascended masters, your spirit guides, and others. 

Therefore, your animals do not have to be physically with you for you to communicate with them and for them to communicate with you.


Do animals behave differently while communicating telepathically?


Many times an animal will not physically show or indicate in any way that there is a telepathic conversation going on.

Also, many species use direct eye contact as a signal of potential aggressive behavior, so don’t expect animals to make eye contact during a telepathic conversation.

Sometimes an animal may behave in ways that clearly demonstrate that someone is speaking to them telepathically.

Here are some examples of  behavior that clearly indicate an animal is participating in a telepathic conversation.

  • The animal’s ears begin to twitch just as I connect telepathically and continue during the conversation.
  • The animal comes into the room when the conversation begins, or suddenly gets up and sits next to their person, or jumps into their lap.
  • The animal physically does exactly what the animal is describing to me during the session.  This is the most rare of all  reactions.
  • The animal telepathically says “I don’t want to talk” and physically walks away or out of the room.

The majority of animals with whom I’ve spoken over the years never showed any physical indication that a conversation was taking place. They often were asleep or just resting somewhere in the house or eating without giving any physical indication that we were in conversation.

What can block me from receiving telepathically?

There are 3 categories of things that can block you from receiving telepathically:

  1. Strong or intense emotion.
  2. Deeply embedded limiting beliefs
  3. Lack of practice.

All of these blocks can be overcome, but first you have to identify them.

Here are some examples. This list is not all-inclusive.

  • If you don’t believe you can do it, you probably won’t notice that you’re receiving information telepathically.
  • If you believe animals don’t have rational thought or are incapable of feeling emotions.
  • If you’re afraid of specific species or breeds of animals, it will be difficult or impossible to speak with that type of animal.
  • If you don’t think animals have consciousness.
  • If you are very angry or dealing with a lot of grief or emotional pain in your life.
  • If you’re afraid of your own psychic abilities.
  • If you want all animals to love you.

In a really good workshop or online course in Animal Communication, you’ll begin to identify your blocks. Then it’s a matter of learning how to clear them. Once cleared, your telepathic abilities will blossom if you practice on a regular basis.

How do I know I'm not just making it all up?

When you are clairaudient, meaning you are hearing telepathically, the voice most often does sounds exactly like your own voice in your head.

This is one reason why it’s so easy to doubt that you’re receiving telepathically.

However, continued practice will demonstrate a variety of differences in the animal’s voice from your own.

  1. The volume may differ – be louder, or softer, than your own voice.
  2. The animal may speak with an accent different from your own.
  3. The feeling quality of the voice may vary from your own.

Go into conversations being open to receive in whatever form it comes.

Then, as you have conversations with more and more animals, you’ll find that while mostly their voices sound like your own, you truly are communicating telepathically with animals.

Do animals ever tell lies?

Yes.  The trick is to learn how to tell when an animal is lying.

I don’t think animals lie as frequently as some humans do, but animals who live with humans will sometimes want to protect our feelings by not telling the truth.

More often than lying, an animal will become silent when they don’t want to say something hurtful.

It isn’t easy to lie telepathically, because you can learn to sense the dissonance between what the animal is telling you and what the energy feels like.

Just like you can intuitively “know” when another human lies to you, you can also learn to “sense” that an animal isn’t speaking truthfully.

This may take some practice, but if you have a well-developed “truth detector,” you’ll probably know immediately when an animal is lying.

I’ve sometimes been surprised by the honesty with which animals respond.

I had one client with 6 cats and lots of pee outside the litter boxes. When I interviewed each of the cats, the ones responsible all readily admitted it and gave the reasons why. The client accepted all the information I gave her as resonating with what was going on in the house and in the family.

These cats had clear messages they were trying to communicate, and that might have been the reason they were so frank about the situation. On the other hand, I can’t remember a single “pee outside the litter box” situation in which the cat lied and claimed to be using the box.

In all my years as a professional Animal Communicator, the number of times in which I’ve experienced animals lying are really few in number. Of course, it’s possible that I missed identifying some instances of falsehood.

Can you speak with more than one animal at a time?

Yes.  I can do a “conference call” with 2 or more animals, or even “broadcast” information to a larger group.


The first time I had a need to speak with a group of horses, I was guided to imagine that I had a telepathic switchboard, like the old telephone switchboards of long ago. I was told to “plug in” each horse, one at a time. Sure enough, it worked.

This technique is essential when trying to negotiate a peaceful resolution between two or more animals who are fighting.

It’s also a good way to introduce a new animal telepathically to a family of animals before the new animals arrives.  A telepathic meeting doesn’t guarantee that everyone will get along immediately when they meet in physical.  Still, it does help prepare everyone for what’s about to happen.

I also use this when a client has some “announcement” to make about a life change – like a vacation trip – since this will affect everyone in the household. While I give each animal an opportunity to speak and ask questions, share feelings, and so on, the overall plans can be announced to the group. Saves time and repetition.


Because we have many bears around these days, I stop feeding the birds during the summer. When I set up the feeders for the first time each autumn, I send out a telepathic broadcast. The birds usually show up within minutes. Before I was doing this, it could take them days to discover the feeders, so I like using this method to let them know about the food. I also use this after I refill the feeders each morning to let the birds know I’ve gone back into the house.

Remember:  you are only limited by your imagination.


What does it mean when I ask an animal a question and I don't get an answer?

If you’re just starting out the conversation and you’re not getting a response, it may be that you expect to receive an answer in a particular form, such as word or images, but instead you’re receiving in an entirely different way, such as an emotion or a feeling.


Here are some things you can do to open yourself:

  • Sit back, open your posture, take some deep breaths and relax.
  • Take some conscious breaths. Watch your breath go in and out 4-5 times before continuing.
  • Take a few sips of water to hydrate yourself.
  • Make sure you’re grounded.
  • Use your imagination. Imagine that the animal is responding. Having an imaginary conversation will open you up to the experience of telepathy with animals.

And remember, you can always ask a different question to see if that will get a response.

What if the animal stops responding?

If you’ve been engaged in a conversation and suddenly you can’t hear/sense/feel/see the animal, here are some things to consider.

1. Animals, like people, can become distracted. If the animal is at home, s/he may see something outside or be distracted by another animal or human in the house.

If you sense the animal is distracted, wait patiently and try to get his/her attention again. Most of the time, the animal will return to the conversation if you’re polite and patient.

2. You may have raised a touchy subject, and the animal doesn’t want to answer your question.

When working with a client who is upset with his/her animal companion, the animal usually knows that the subject upsetting their person is going to come up. They may or may not want to talk about not using the litter box or biting people, or whatever.

When the animal becomes very quiet and stops responding for this reason, it requires some gentle diplomacy to re-engage the animal in conversation.

3. The animal may be thinking about your question.

Not everyone thinks or responds at the same pace. This has nothing to do with intelligence. It has to do with differences in how individuals process information, decide on what they want to communicate, choose the right words or concepts or images, and so on.

With time, you’ll learn to recognize the pace of an individual animal, but when you first meet an animal telepathically, it’s important to learn to sense the animal’s natural pace and adapt to it as much as you can. If you try to hurry someone who is paced more slowly, the conversation will deteriorate quickly.

4. You may have become distracted.

Learning to stay focused is important in any conversation, whether speaking with a human or an animal. If your mind tends to race around, having a conversation telepathically may take extra effort on your part to stay focused.

Multiprocessing – texting or doing anything else during a telepathic conversation can distract you from the conversation. Out of politeness and respect for the animal, do not text, work on the computer, or do anything else when communicating telepathically. The animal will know that you’re not paying full attention and may leave the conversation.

Are there differences when speaking to animals in a herd?

Yes.  There is such a thing as “herd consciousness”.

When I first visited a farm where llamas were being raised, I discovered that there was a herd consciousness in addition to that of the individual llamas.  The llamas explained to me this way:

For safety reasons, we need to know what’s going on everywhere in the herd all the time. We don’t just rely on body language to learn about danger. So we’re always connected telepathically to each other.

When I asked one individual llama if she was always listening to the herd consciousness, she explained even more.

When the humans do things, like give vaccinations or have to catch a llama for any reason, this feels so scary that many of us disconnect from the herd consciousness or shut it down temporarily.

We know there’s nothing we can do to prevent what is happening. We can’t run away from the farm, either. We shut it down so we all don’t become overwhelmed with fear.

When speaking to an animal that lives in a herd or flock situation, you may find yourself speaking with the consciousness of the entire group instead of just one individual.  At first this might feel a bit odd, but to the animals, it’s just normal.

What subjects can you discuss with animals?

You and an animal can talk about any topic that interests both of you.  Animals have a great deal of wisdom to share. They  have much to teach us, and sometimes the lessons are unexpected.

I recommend that you ask questions on all sorts of subjects. The more open-ended your questions, the greater room you leave for an animal to share his or her wisdom with you.

You can also invite an animal to ask you questions.  You may be surprised by what the animal asks.  Just answer in an honest, open way, and the conversation with flow.

Remember to be open to all sorts of possibilities, and to be playful and have fun!

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