Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™
Take the next steps in your Spiritual Journey back to Source.
Receive support, inspiration, and insights as you remove blocks on your path.
You already experience whatever you choose.
Choose Consciously!
Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™ Sessions

*Photo by Michael Walk on Unsplash
Your journey requires that you reclaim your personal power and sovereignty.
No one can give you back your Personal Power.
You have to take it back yourself.
No one can restore your Personal Sovereignty.
You have to restore it yourself.
In each session, YOU set the priorities.
In each situation, YOU choose what your next step(s) will be.
With Nedda's assistance, you may accelerate your journey as you . . .
— Overcome fears and resistance to change.
— Restore inner harmony and peace.
— Embrace your personal power.
— Access your personal courage.
— Dissolve barriers to success.
— Achieve spiritual growth.
— Find clarity of purpose.
Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™ helps you let go of the past and move on!
Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™ offers powerful techniques, guidance, and support to help you let go of old ways of thinking, old ways of being, restrictive feelings, and narrow perspectives.
You are invited to expand your Consciousness while opening to new, expansive beliefs and win/win solutions that are satisfying and productive.
Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™ is for you when you’ve been feeling …
- There’s something else that I’m “supposed” to be doing – am being called to do – but I’m not sure what it is or how to move forward.
- The life I thought I was supposed to be living feels empty, without meaning and satisfaction.
- I’m being challenged in new ways and struggling to figure out how to handle these challenges.
- My whole life feels “out of control” and I don’t even know where to begin to pick up the pieces that seem to have come unraveled.
- I’m stuck going round and round the old stories of my life and I’m ready to leave them behind.
- I’m on a path that I believe is my calling, but obstacles keep appearing that I don’t know how to overcome.
- I’m still seeking to understand my life purpose and I’m not sure how to determine what it is.
- I feel ready to take back my personal power, reclaim my personal sovereignty, but I’m not sure how to get started.
Preparing for Your Session.
To make your first session more effective:
- Create a written list of topics, questions, and important events that are taking place in your life that prompted you to schedule the appointment.
- Complete the “First Session” form when you purchase your session. When you SUBMIT the form, you will receive a copy and your information will automatically be sent to Nedda.
Do not be concerned if you’re still uncertain about where to focus the session after you have done your preparation work.
The first thing you and Nedda will do at the start of your first session is review your what you wrote for clarification and focus.
All information is held in complete confidence.
What Happens During Your Session.
At the start of each session:
You will be asked how you want to use the session or what you want to accomplish. If you’re not sure, establishing that focus will be the first task of the session.
Depending on the session’s focus, appropriate techniques will be employed to assist you to meet your goals.
Nedda is skilled at quickly identifying the nexus points – the heart of a matter. Sometimes she can see relationships between things you might not have noticed. This skill allows the session to move directly to the keys that will unravel the issue with which you are wrestling.
As appropriate for your situation, you will have opportunities to…
- CONNECT with your Divine Self or “I Am Presence”.
- CLARIFY your questions.
- RECEIVE MEANINGFUL ANSWERS and INSIGHTS that move you forward.
- DISCOVER where you are holding onto old pain, emotions, and limiting beliefs.
- RELEASE old pain and emotions, and replace limiting, restrictive beliefs with uplifting, expansive ones.
- FREE YOURSELF from energy blocks and old thought forms.
- HEAL, and INTEGRATE powerful inner aspects of you who may have been stuck and terrified of moving forward.
- BUILD LOVING RELATIONSHPS with the parts of you who are having trouble moving through to the next vibrational level.
- BECOME MORE LOVING towards yourself and give up self-judgement and self-abuse.
- SET POWERFUL GOALS and decide on next steps to achieve them.
- FEEL UPLIFTED, empowered, supported, and nurtured.
During your session:
Nedda helps you find your inner strength and courage, and teaches how to maintain these changes in your relationship with your Self.
- Supports your process energetically as she works with her own I AM PRESENCE and with yours to facilitate a productive, meaningful, and inspiring outcome.
- Helps you connect with and tap into your own inner knowledge and then helps you make whatever changes you choose to make.
- Encourages you to be independent, rather than to rely on someone outside yourself for personal insight, personal guidance, information, knowledge, and answers.
At the end of your session, Nedda may:
- Summarize the outcome of your work together.
- Suggest specific ways for you to stay connected and follow through with your true self to achieve even more between sessions.
- Encourage you to hold onto your power and keep moving forward on the path you have chosen, or to take a new path when you are ready.
Benefits of Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™

Photo by Matteo Di Iorio on Unsplash
The benefits of being Spiritually Empowered are limitless!
Being spiritually empowered restores your personal power in your daily life.
You take Conscious control of everything that matters to you.
Here are some of the benefits you may receive:
- LEARN that you are entitled to hold onto your power and to use it for your personal benefit.
- TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY for your life at all times and on all levels.
- DISCOVER that you have more choices in any situation than you might previously have considered.
- RELEASE emotional blocks that hold you back and drain your energy.
- INCREASE your sense of inner peace and contentment.
- REDUCE stress and fear.
- PREPARE yourself for making decisions through your heart.
- HEAL on all levels of your being.
- RESTORE feelings of expansiveness and creativity.
- ELIMINATE feelings of fear, restriction, and limitation.
- ALIGN with your Life Purpose or Soul/Spiritual Path.
- CONNECT with the unlimited joy that is your birthright.
- CHANGE behaviors that hold you back.
- TRANSFORM limiting beliefs into more expansive ones.
- MAKE SIGNIFICANT CHANGES in your perspective, self-image, life choices, and how your see and feel about yourself.
- LEARN HOW to comfortably set boundaries with others.
- DISCOVER your inner wisdom, courage, strengths, and talents.