Three Underlying Causes and Possible Solutions to Difficulties Healing.

by | Aug 22, 2024 | Energy Healing Systems | 0 comments

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

Are you experiencing difficulty recovering from an

illness, a surgery, or an accident?

These key factors may be affecting your recovery.

1. Toxins.

Your body is exposed to toxins continuously and may have accumulated levels that make it difficult to heal.  Where are all these toxins coming from?

  • The air you breathe.
  • The water you drink.
  • The processed and other foods you eat fertilized with chemicals and containing GMOs.
  • The poisons added to vaccines, such as aluminum compounds.
  • The mercury fillings in your teeth.
  • Fluoride and chlorine in drinking water.
  • The drugs you take, nearly all of which have negative side effects.
  • The artificial construction materials from which your home was built.
  • The packages in which things arrive, including all the plastic bags that have been substituted for natural cloth bags, and plastic containers that have been substituted for glass containers.
  • The substances you use for cleaning your home and clothing.
  • The chemicals sprayed on new clothing and new furniture to preserve them and make them fire retardant.  You inhale these in stores, and you inhale them when you bring these items into your home.
  • Products you put on your body that may not be as safe as claimed.
  • The EMF energies that are everywhere, including radiating from all the gadgets you use, such as computers, cell phones, and other communication devices.

This is not a complete list, but it begins to give you an idea of why your body may be overwhelmed with toxins.

2. Stress.

Your adrenal gland was designed to help you survive.  Increased production of adrenaline is supposed to help you flee or fight, a great way to handle momentary dangers, such as an attack by a wild predator.  Once the stressful situation ended, your body could relax and recover.

In today’s world, your adrenal gland can easily become exhausted.  Why?

Because you are exposed to constant fear-based energies nearly all the time.

News programs, movies, TV shows, and commercials are all fear-based, meaning that they stimulate your adrenal gland all the time.  When you expose yourself to a continuous bombardment by these media. you are setting overwhelming and exhausting your body’s natural system of defense.

Constant threat or fear of threat, including from social media, may be weakening your body’s ability to handle illness and injury.

3. Rapid changes.

In 1970, Alvin Toffler’s book, FUTURE SHOCK, alerted us to the dangers of rapid change.  It was based on research which showed that the potential for becoming physical sick increases dramatically when you’ve had as few as 5 changes in your life within a 12 month period.  This is true even when the changes are positive, such as getting married, moving, or starting a new job.

Since the 1970’s, the speed of change in human society, economy, technology, and culture has continued to accelerate world-wide.  This can create disorientation, overwhelm, difficulty focusing, difficulty making decisions, difficulty getting closure, difficulty sleeping, and difficulty recovering from illness and injury.

When you feel overwhelmed, your ability to get enough restful sleep is also affected, which reduces your body’s ability to heal and restore itself.  You become out of balance.  Your mind, emotions, and physical state are all interconnected.  They are not separate.


Healing often requires letting go of old patterns and establishing healthier new ones.  Getting help from professionals who offer alternative systems can also make a huge difference.

Energy Healing can put your body into a very relaxed state while simultaneously clearing mental, emotional, and other energetic blocks that interfere in your body’s ability to heal.

In a recent article on The Transformative Power of Intuitive Healing, several healing professionals, including myself, explained more about how energy healing works and some of its benefits.

You may also want to check out the sessions I offer in Multidimensional Energy Healing™ 

Detoxing your body is best done under the auspices of a professional who is experienced and trained to help you go through this process.  If you suspect toxins are a problem, I suggest you find someone who offers Functional Medicine or is trained as a Doctor of Naturopathy.  These individuals understand how to identify which toxins may be causing a problem and how to detoxify your body with a minimum of discomfort.

Change your habits.  If you have identified stress as an underlying cause of your health issues, you can reduce stress in a number of ways, such as:

  • Stop watching TV.
  • Stop listening to the news.
  • Forest Bathing – taking walks in the woods several times a week.
  • Learn Meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi, and other similar activities that are known to reduce stress and help your body relax.
  • Certain supplements, foods, flower essences, and homeopathic remedies can also be of assistance.


The good news is that there are ways to overcome difficulties in healing.  What matters is that you understand what may be interfering in your body’s natural ability to heal and take steps to overcome those factors.




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