Multidimensional Energy Healing™
Energy Healing supports your body’s natural healing process to recover from illness, injury, surgery, and other medical procedures.
Energy Healing facilitates the integration of higher vibrational frequences and Light Codes of the organic Ascension process.
Multidimensional Energy Healing Sessions

Photo by Nikolay Vasiliev on Unsplash
Multidimensional Energy Healing™ - a Form of Hands-on Healing
Multidimensional Energy Healing™ (MDH) is based on “Hands-on-Healing,” an ancient art known to healers around the world.
MDH brings Divine Love, the most powerful energy in the universe, to your challenging health issues.
Your body knows how to heal. MDH assists your body to heal by helping to restore balance and harmony to your body, and by clearing away energies that interfere in the natural healing process.
Energy healing also facilitates your organic Spiritual Ascension and multidimensional transformation to higher planes of Consciousness.
What Happens in a Multidimensional Energy Healing™ Session
Passed down from masters to students, today’s MDH sessions can be easily given from a distance. All work is done in harmony with your personal intentions for healing.
Distance is not a limitation. Healing energy can be sent and received anywhere instantaneously.
Each healing session is facilitated with the assistance and guidance of advanced healing teams from multiple dimensional levels. These include, but are not limited to your I Am Presence, your Body Elemental, your Angelic Guides, Ascended Masters with whom you have a connection, and many others.
At the time of the session, you may be resting quietly or may be on the phone or Zoom with Nedda for some or all of the session. Healing can also be sent forward and backward in time when appropriate.
Multidimensional Energy Healing™ Techniques.
Depending on the specific health issues that you bring to the session, you may experience a variety of healing techniques, some of which are listed here.
- AURA CLEANSING, repair, and integration.
- BRAIN BALANCING to support and integrate your nervous system and brain function.
- CHAKRA CLEANSING to repair, balance, and integrate your primary chakra system and optimize flow of prana.
- SPINE UNWINDING: to release blocks and inappropriate energy patterns that interfere with communication between the nervous system and the rest of the body.
- SEALING ENERGY LEAKS from organs, glands, systems, and more.
- CLEARING, CLEANSING, AND BALANCING specific areas, organs, glands, and systems of the physical body.
- RELEASING emotional blocks.
- REPLACING limiting beliefs with expansive ones.
- FILLING your body with healing energies, prana, and Divine Love and Light.
- GROUNDING and INTEGRATING the energy changes.
- FILLING the entire body with prana, Divine Love, and Divine Light.
Preparing for Your Session.
Before each session, you will be asked to choose the issues you would like to have addressed during that session. It may or may not be possible to address all of them in a single session.
The body releases in layers and heals in it’s own order of priorities. As much as possible, your MDH session will align with that and with your personal goals.
Session Times, Length, and Fees
Sessions start on the hour, weekdays at 10 or 11 a.m.; 2 or 3 or 7 p.m. Eastern Time.
The session length is anything up to 55 minutes or so, depending on what is appropriate.
MDH sessions may be done with or without you being on the phone, Zoom, or Skype. Nedda will let you know in advance what she feels will be the best scenario for your session.
After the session, Nedda will email you about what was done in the session, and in the email will provide guidance on how to care for yourself to ensure optimal integration of the healing energies.
Scheduling Your Session
Once your payment (and intake form for the first session) have been received, your session can be scheduled. Contact Nedda by phone (860) 651-5771 or email to schedule. You may also email with questions at any time.
Be sure you complete the intake form and make your payment before you contact Nedda to schedule your session.
Guidelines for Self-Care.
Before a Healing.
You are in charge of your own healing process, and this will be respected through your work with Nedda.
Nedda requests a little background information that will be held in complete confidence. It will benefit the healing process for her to know what is going on for you and what you want the healing session to focus upon for your benefit. Your intentions set the goals for the healing process.
It is ideal for your healing session to be scheduled for a time when you can be lying down in a quiet space. However, if this is not possible, and since time is an illusion anyway, the healing can be done at one time and the energies sent to you with the intention that they integrate while you are sleeping.
After a Healing.
DRINK LOTS of WATER (8-10 glasses) for the rest of the day and the next 48 hours at least. This helps your body cleanse itself from energies and toxins that have been released.
WATER is unflavored, non-chlorinated, non-caffinated, without fluoride, and uncarbonated. There are NO SUBSTITUTES for plain water. Your body KNOWS the difference!!
You may feel very tired and want to sleep more than usual
This is your body telling you it needs time to repair itself. The body only repairs when we sleep. This is why sleep and rest are so important.
You may feel very energized.
This is a good feeling, but it is important to REST. This allows your body to use the energy for healing purposes.
It is recommended that you stay away from the gym or any workout during the first 24-48 hours after a healing.
If you feel like being quiet, follow your inner guidance.
Follow-up Sessions: The Body Releases in Layers.
After a healing has fully integrated you might find an additional healing session is helpful.
A brief follow-up conversation with Nedda is recommended to evaluate your needs. Nedda would like to know how you are feeling, what benefits you are experiencing, and any specific needs you have that you’d like to receive assistance to resolve.
The body releases in layers like peeling away layers of an onion. It heals itself bit-by-bit. Everyone’s body is different and the time needed to integrate changes brought about during a healing are also different for each person. Nedda believes your body should be your guide in deciding how to proceed.
Benefits of Multidimensional Energy Healing.
Here are some of the benefits you may experience.
- Feeling increased relaxation and calm.
- A reduction in your stress level.
- A sense that your physical body is stronger or more able to cope with life’s challenges.
- A sense of well-being, comfort, integration, and wholeness.
- Feeling more at home in your body.
- Feeling more energized and more playful.
- Feeling lighter overall.
- Feeing more balanced and more grounded.
- Improved appetite.
- Greater control over unwanted habits.
- Increased interest in life.
- Increased immune system function.
- Decreased pain, discomfort, and distress.
- Faster or more complete recovery from illness, injuries, or surgery.
- Feeling greater alignment with your Soul and I Am Presence.
- An opening to receive more Divine Love.
- A sense of greater connections with the Divine.
- A feeling of greater alignment with your spiritual path.
Disclaimer. Please read.
Multidimensional Energy Healing™ (MDH) is not a substitute for medical care, nor is it a cure for anything.
Nedda Wittels is not a medical professional and does not “cure” or “diagnose” illness or disease.
Consult your medical doctor if you have concerns about how MDH may affect any medical procedures or medications you are using or planning to use for your personal health.
Your body will use the energy from each session to do as it sees fit, as your body has Consciousness and has it’s own priorities.
No specific healing is guaranteed or implied as a result of Multidimensional Healing sessions.
The outcome of each session varies from person to person, from situation to situation, from session to session.
The goal of Multidimensional Energy Healing™ is to provide assistance and support for the physical body and other energy bodies to use their Divinely given natural healing abilities.
Your Free Will, Soul Contract, and Spiritual Goals for this life stream will not be violated.
There is no guarantee or promise made or implied with regard to the outcome of Multidimensional Healing Sessions.
Sometime very sick individuals heal at the spiritual level and then leave their physical bodies and return to the spirit realm.