Do You Intuitively Know What Your Animal Is Feeling?

by | Feb 20, 2018 | Animal Communication | 1 comment

Two dogs communicating.

Intuition Is Part of Animal Communication.

Intuition often appears as a feeling or knowing or an awareness about something.

Many people receive telepathically from animals in this way, but may not recognize it as true Animal Communication.

Often humans expect and desire to receive communication from animals in words, or even pictures.

But there is no one “right” way to experience Animal Communication.

When first learning to communication telepathically, you will be more successful if you start out where you already are.

In other words, when you receive messages intuitively and accept that, “this is how I receive telepathic information right now,” you will open yourself to receive and expand your telepathic ability with animals from there.

In contrast, if you say, “No, I don’t want to receive telepathically that way.  I want to do it another way,” you’re creating a barrier of energy that will block your receptivity to messages from animals.

To strengthen your intuitive receptivity, follow through on your intuitive insights.

This provides a feedback loop that will help you expand your intuitive receptivity.

For example, if you sense your animal may be feeling sad, say something to the animal, such as ‘I’m wondering if you’re feeling sad.”

Watch how your animal responds to your verbal statement.  You may notice physical signals that acknowledge your statement, such as a sigh, or closing of the eyes, for example.  The response can be many different things, so just notice … notice … notice.

If you sense that there’s something wrong with your animal that requires veterinary help, don’t wait for symptoms.  Go to a veterinarian that you trust and have them check out the animal.

You be surprised how this can save the animal’s life.  And even if the veterinarian finds nothing wrong, the feedback will help you strengthen your intuitive abilities.

By working with your telepathic abilities at whatever level they are, you will soon find them expanding.

Your animals will appreciate knowing that you’re making an effort to communicate with them in their natural language:  telepathic animal communication.

You’ll also find that increased intuitive ability can be a powerful tool in other areas of your life, such as when making decisions about jobs, where to live, or even whether to trust someone.

If intuition is your primary way of receiving animal communication, accept it with joy and work with it.  The benefits will be great, and you’ll soon find yourself receiving telepathically from animals in other ways.



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1 Comment

  1. Doug Hagens

    I like your comment “To strengthen your intuitive receptivity, follow through on your intuitive insights. This provides a feedback loop that will help you expand your intuitive receptivity”. Even if it’s not interpreted correctly at first. Our Higher Self is just looking for any kind of response & will pick up from there, like learning any new skill.


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