While Starlight sleeps,
Melissa yawns and complains that the weather has been too cold.
It may be different where you live, but here in Connecticut, we’re having a very strange winter.
Melissa, who loves to be outside and really needs to be outside for a short time each day, developed instant cabin fever as soon as it got below 45 degree Fahrenheit last fall.
Then we got the really cold temperatures, where daytime highs were 15 degrees, night-time lows were single digits, and wind chills were sometimes 25 degrees below zero fahrenheit.
This type of cold lasted for at least 3 weeks, maybe a bit longer.
Now things have warmed up some. We’re actually at 40 degrees the day I write this, and Melissa and Starlight have become super active.
They want to be on the unheated, completely enclosed porch. They go out there and come back inside quickly, and go in and out as often as I’ll allow it. Often it turns into an exciting game.
They go onto the porch and then chase each other back inside. The chase continues around the house with great excitement, especially if I stand ready at the door to let them go up and back a few times.

Back yard in winter.
When I open the sliding door to the back yard to fill the bird feeders, they want to charge right out there.
In frustration, the two members of Mischief, Inc. will sometimes knocking things off tables and run around to get my attention. “Why can’t we go out?” they demand.
Melissa encountered snow for the first time one day when I gave in and let her go outside.
She was very annoyed that each step put cold, wet, snow between her delicate toes. She would shake out one foot, put it down, shake out the next, and keep doing this at every step. She finally gave up and came back onto the porch.
The day I let them both go outside there was still snow on the ground, although melting. Melissa tried to jump over the icy spots near the steps, only to discover that it’s still cold and wet wherever she lands.
On the slightly warmer days, I wonder, “Are we all having delusions of spring?” After all, if the temperature gets above 32 degrees, that must mean spring is coming, right? Or is February about to land on us and show us all what fools we are?
It’s been so dark this winter, I’ve had to use a lamp designed to assist people with SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder) to keep me energized. Dark grey, cloudy skies, and very short hours of daylight seemed endless.
When I turn the lamp on, it’s like the actual Sun is in my office. I’m supposed to turn it off after 20 minutes, but some days I leave it on for an hour.
So yes, everyone at my house is allowing herself to fantasize about long, bright, warm spring days.

Melissa is wishing Starlight would wake up to play with her.
Are you also longing for spring? The day the temperature rose to 60 degrees, there was a bear in the street. A huge brown bear. It’s energy looked confused. What was it doing awake?
Are you and your animals having unusually intense cabin fever?
How are you and they coping with this long, dark, intensely cold winter that offers sudden fits of spring-like weather?
Have you noticed any wild animals acting strangely?
I have been working with my dog Chay…learning to sit when i picture it in my head…but the barking..sometimes i am able to get him to stop…but when its really bad..i am so anxious for the barking or i call it snipping at every noise then when he goes off compmetely is when i get upset. .deeeep breaths..how do i consistantly keep gim moving forward with outngetting upnset due tobloud extreme aggressive barking…german shepherd…i have never owned a shepherd so excitable…thanks
To answer your question, I would need to speak with you and Chay in an Animal Communication session. Then I could ask Chay what the barking is all about and find out from him whether or not he’s receiving the images you are sending him. There is much we could accomplish in a session together where you and I and Chay would all share information and then develop a “plan of action” to get this resolved.
Meanwhile, do keep sending him images, as that’s an important technique.
You can find out more about my Animal Communication sessions at Read about my sessions here.
Cookie (cat)is now 10 and finally stopped blaming me for the cold weather and the white stuff out there. She goes into a hibernation stage and just sleeps through the whole thing, mostly on my lap or, if no lap available on top of a warm rice bag. She is a very polite cat and never ever would think about knocking anything over. Before producing a hair ball she always asks for a paper towel on which to put it.