Are Your Ready to Give Up the Crutch of Confirmation?

by | May 1, 2016 | Animal Communication Tips | 4 comments

STOP giving confirmation

in Animal Communication classes!?


Are you serious?


This is what I asked my I Am Presence one day when I received the guidance to stop giving confirmation to my advanced Animal Communication students.

By “advanced” I mean those who

  • have been studying Animal Communication for several years,
  • have taken several courses with me and/or other professionals,
  • are getting mostly accurate information, and
  • insist on focusing on their doubts about what they get.

My students were rather stunned.

As for me, I had to really think about this to understand why my I Am Presence was insisting on it.

Think about how you learn.

No, I’m not talking about going to school where the teacher tells you what you have to learn to “pass the test” and asks you to regurgitate the information on command.

I’m talking about LIFE, the UNIVERSE, and EVERYTHING.

How do you learn in REAL life.

You have a decision to make.  You’re not sure what to do, but at some point you have to make a choice.

As you inch or step forward into that choice, you begin to experience some of the consequences of the choice.  In other words, the universe gives you feedback.

Of course, you’re not separate from the Universe.  You’re I Am Presence is using the world around you to provide feedback.

So whatever you experience as a result of the step you took is your feedback.

You may find you were very accurate or were slightly off or were totally off the mark.

Whatever you discover is PERFECT because you now have the opportunity to make an adjustment the next time you move forward a step.




to give you confirmation,

you won’t develop




I also tell my students:

Assume you’re correct

until you find out otherwise.

This assumption tells the universe that you EXPECT to be correct so the universe knows what to manifest in your life.

Pair of crutches.If you believe you constantly need confirmation, that’s like saying you need to be on crutches the rest of your life because you sprained your ankle a month ago.  Your ankle is recovered, but just in case ….

Clinging to the crutches won’t strengthen your ankle or build your confidence.

If you keep assuming that all or most of your telepathic conversations are wrong, you’re sending the wrong message.

Want to guess what the universe will manifest for you in this instance?

I’m a professional Animal Communicator with over 20 years experience as a professional.

Am I always correct?  Of course not.

When my communication is in error, do I beat myself up about it?


Instead, I ask for guidance to understand as much as I can about the error and then I let it go!

This is the natural way in which humans and animals learn anything.

And this is why we are told to “Practice, practice, practice.”

Practice without confirmation.


You can’t build muscles without using them.

The same rule applies here.

Have fun with it, too.  PLAY with it.  That’s how you’ll build accuracy.

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  1. Sharon Warner

    Right on Nedda!

  2. Annette Pedersen

    Love this!
    I find that any errors are due to my preconceived ideas. Lately, I have been asking my clients NOT to tell me WHY they are contacting me. Instead, I ask them to talk about their animal. The more they tune into their love for that animal, the more that animal sends me messages.
    It’s like tuning into that relationship more than any ‘problem’ they may be having.
    It’s working beautifully for me . . . although at first it seemed REALLY weird!

    • Nedda Wittels

      This is very cool!! A unique and interesting approach.

  3. Hellen Edelstein

    GREAT Nedda! So simply and well said, love it.


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