Learning How to Fly

by | May 8, 2014 | Animal Communication Tips | 0 comments

Photo Copyright © Felicia Murray 2012.  Hawk over Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts.

Are You Ready to Soar?


When it’s time for the baby bird to leave the nest, the baby bird has to take a great leap of faith, stretch it’s wings, and jump.

Are you ready to learn how to fly?

So many students of Animal Communication want constant confirmation of what they are receiving telepathically.  When is it time to say,

No more.  I’m not going to give you any more confirmation.  You must now learn how to fly – take a chance – trust what you get.   If what you receive isn’t always 100% accurate, that’s ok.  That’s how you learn.  You’ll discover this on your own and you’ll keep practicing and you’ll improve over time. 

I have many students who have taken three, four, or even more classes in Animal Communication, and they are still seeking confirmation from a teacher about what they get.  As I work from higher guidance in all areas of my life, I asked my I Am Presence to help me understand how to help my students.  Here’s what I was told:


Stop giving them confirmation. 

The confirmation is a crutch and handicaps the student. 

Only by learning to rely on themselves will someone become self-reliant.


Whoa!!  What a powerful message.

In my course called Receiving Higher Guidance, students practice speaking directly to their I Am Presence.  When they want me to provide confirmation, I totally refuse. This is their own higher guidance, and who am I to say, “this is right and that is wrong?”  What a bunch of nonsense to allow them to think that they have to go outside themselves to confirm their own internal messages.

Do you understand how you disempower yourself when you expect someone outside of you to tell you that your internal messages are correct or incorrect?

If you are working with your own higher guidance, your I Am will give you feedback.  If you ask for guidance and then act on that guidance, you’ll be nudged along on your path.  You’ll receive course corrections naturally.  It’s part of the process.  It interferes in that process to have someone else tell you “yes” or “no” about the messages you are receiving.

This is called Tough Love, or as I’ve heard it termed from the Buddhist perspective, “Fierce Compassion.”

Red Tail Hawk family.

Red Tail Hawk family.

In the neighborhood where I live, there are red hawks with nests in the tops of some very tall 60+ foot trees.  Each summer, there are baby hawks born and raised here.

As the end of summer approaches, you can hear the screams of the babies.  They are screaming because Mom and Dad have decided it’s time for them to fly and to learn to hunt on their own.  The parents have stopped bringing food to the nest, and the babies are protesting.  They don’t want to grow up – to take the leap of faith.  But they have to do it.

What would happen if the baby bird refused to leave the nest?  Would it’s parents have to keep feeding it for the rest of it’s life?

So are you like these baby hawks, screaming your protests at the world, constantly wanting confirmation of your own internal messages and telepathic reception?   Or . . .


Are YOU ready to fly? 

Take a leap of faith? 

Trust in yourself? 

 Spread your wings and soar?

Isn’t it time for you to find out just how amazing and magnificent you are?

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