Small One Under the Sky

by | Jun 4, 2019 | Natural Connections | 0 comments

While most of my students want to learn to speak telepathically with animals, it is also possible to have telepathic conversations with trees and other forms of life.

This spring, I offered a new course in telepathic communication called “Communication with Trees.”

For this class, each student was asked to find a Tree Guide, a tree willing to be their primary teacher for the entire 5-week course.  Everyone found their Tree Guide quite easily, so the course began.

One of the students, Lisa Hart, had a Tree Guide who called herself Small One Under the Sky.   Small One shared with Lisa that she communicates with stars.

Small One Under the Sky

I live on a “tree lined street” in Chicago. No forests here, and my teacher tree is located close to my apartment building, on the strip of land between the sidewalk and the street.

She is a maple tree and wanted to be called by her nickname, Small One Under the Sky. Her energy feels youthful and light, yet loving and maternal.

When we talk I feel as if I am inside the tree, that her trunk is hollow and I am inside it, sometimes standing up, sometimes feeling embraced or as if I’m sitting on her “lap.”

Over the course of perhaps four conversations, we talked about her work. Small One Under the Sky’s purpose is to hear and transmit the music/lyrics/messages of the stars. I said, “Oh, I just assumed that all trees can hear the stars.” She replied, “Most trees can hear the stars, but I understand their language.” (It would be like me hearing Russian. I would hear sounds, but not words. She hears the words.)

I asked Small One how she does it, and she replied that she expands her consciousness and “catches” the messages in her branches. (I’m thinking, sort of like a recorder.)

I asked how she transmits the information. She rubs her leaves and branches together in certain ways, and uses the wind to blow “language particles” from her leaves and bark. Also, the motion of her branches, leaves, twigs, are all used to communicate, to write on the wind. I got the impression that it’s the wind that carries her messages.

She asked if I’d like to hear the stars. Oh, you bet! It felt as if she flew into the sky and carried me with her. She said, “You will hear it differently than I do, because you’re a human and I’m a tree and our senses are different.” I heard very high, sharp, crystalline music, and very low, growly, rumbly tones, but nothing in between. It was lovely!

She was curious, so I invited her to share my consciousness so she could experience how humans speak and hear and see.

Small One Under the Sky wanted me to remember that the stars are there all the time. We humans can’t see them during the day, but that doesn’t mean they stop existing then. They are always there.

In a different session I asked her what kind of information she gets. She said that it is mostly about things that affect the planet as a whole — wars, diseases, weather patterns. As I write this I’m realizing I had a feeling that all of these are taking place slightly in the future, what we would call the future. And the purpose is to help the trees prepare for what’s coming.

Small One also relays songs. And parties, festivals, celebrations, the feel of them and what is being celebrated. And she receives information on what is happening on different levels of the universe, what I would classify as astral, mental, causal, and soul levels. “As above, so below,” if there is conflict, peace, discovery, healing occurring in the non-physical, it is likely to eventually manifest in the physical, or to be reflected there.

At one point Small One Under the Sky offered me a healing. I accepted and saw a brilliant yellow flare coming toward me. She said that she uses star energy to heal, and I was surprised that it was yellow. She said, “Well, the Sun is a star. For different people it will be different kinds of star energy. For you, it’s the Sun.”

I asked her what she disliked the most about her job, and she replied that there is no one physically close by to teach her. There used to be, but he died, so now all her teaching comes from trees that are far away.

I recognized her image of the tree that died. It was an old, triple-trunked tree about 20-30 feet away. It had been my favorite tree in the neighborhood, and a couple of years ago the city tore it down, saying it was dying and might fall onto the house nearby. The householders were distraught, crying. Everyone I spoke with about it loved and missed that tree. I told my neighbor, “that was my favorite tree”, and she said, “it was everybody’s favorite tree.” So clearly, he was an important part of the neighborhood.

When I asked Small One what she liked most about her job, she said “relating to different species”, meaning the stars.

There is so much more to learn from her! I keep thinking of things to ask long after our talk is over. I am really looking forward to more talks.

by Lisa Hart

Lisa had many other conversations with Small One on a variety of topics.  Speaking with trees is fun, exciting, and educational.

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