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Rays of Healing Light

Animal Communication

Multidimensional Energy Healing™

Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™

Recent posts on healing
Case Study: A Unicorn Healing – Part I

Case Study: A Unicorn Healing – Part I

When a client tells you that her horse lived a past life as a unicorn, and that his horn was cut off, and that his current breathing difficulties may stem from that past life, what would you do? Me?  I believe her!! My approach to healing has always been to be "open...

More about “A Lesson in Trust”

More about “A Lesson in Trust”

So, Sakhara, how are you enjoying being outside? Sakhara is very different since she began going outside.  She is calmer, and for this very calm, grounded, Earth energy kitty, that's an amazing thing to even imagine, much less experience.  She is also eating more...

More about “A Lesson in Trust”

A Lesson in Trust from Sakhara

I'm the one having the lesson. What do you do when one of your animals is sick (very out of balance) and she tells you she must go outside into nature to heal? That's the question I faced last weekend when Sakhara announced that her chronic digestive problems...

The Power of Purr

The Power of Purr

In an animal communication consultation I did for a woman whose cat had died, the loving message from the kitty to the grieving woman was, “Remember to purr.” The cat wanted his beloved lady to heal from her sadness. He believed that purring would help.


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