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Six Simple Steps to Standing in Your Power with Love

Six Simple Steps to Standing in Your Power with Love

You are a powerful being. If you believe you were created in the image of the Divine, then you are a powerful being by definition. So how do you feel about your personal power? Do you acknowledge it? Fear it? Rejoice in it? Abuse it? Ignore it? Give it away? This is the challenge of daily life. You are constantly encouraged, seduced, and...

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Heart Centered Living . . . Are you living from your heart?

Heart Centered Living . . . Are you living from your heart?

In the Age of Organic Ascension, we are all encouraged to live from and through our hearts.  This is how a 5th Dimensional being functions in a space of Love and Light. As we transition into the 5th Dimension, we go up and back between 3-D (lower vibrational living) and 5-D (higher vibrational living) until we learn how to stay grounded in Divine...

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