Why would a wild bird follow a dog?

This bird is following a dog all around her yard.

This is Suzi, the dog the bird is following.
After completing my new course offering, the TWA-I DO Communicate teleseries in Animal Communication, Donna Emerson had an extraordinary experience.
Here Donna tells it in her own words.
We moved into this home a year ago.
The backyard is large and rectangular. There is a fence along the perimeter. Along the fence are many bushes, vines and flowers. Suzi’s favorite thing to do is to find and chase lizards.
What I noticed about two weeks ago is that a California Towhee was flying from one spot on the fence to another chirping while following Suzi.
This bird would always show up, when Suzi was in the yard, always chirping at her.
The bird came whenever Suzi was in the yard, always chirping at her.
When I would take Suzi around the block the Towhee would end up on the roof of the house behind us chirping at Suzi.
I finally asked the bird if it knew Suzi in another life. It said “Yes.”
I then saw a place with a lot of snow and pine trees. The Towhee told me that she was a hawk and Suzi was her baby.
I expressed how wonderful that was. Then Suzi chimed in with “until I fell out of the nest.”.
The two birds visit Suzi.
The communication stopped at that point. I will be doing more talking with them.
Yesterday my friend saw Suzi lying on the patio watching this Towhee and its bird friend walk around her.
[Suzie] use to chase the birds, but she doesn’t chase these..
What I especially love about Donna’s experience is that the behavior of her dog, Suzi, and of the Towhee support the messages that she received.
So often when we speak telepathically with wild animals, we have no way to get confirmation.
In this situation, Suzie’s acceptance of the presence of the Towhee is a strong indication that there is a special relationship between the bird and Suzie.
And who ever heard of a wild bird following a dog around it’s yard?
Confirmation is not always possible when speaking telepathically with animals, even when the animals live with us as part of our family.
The desire for confirmation is something that I tell my students to put aside. If you’re going to worry about whether or not you’re receiving accurate information, your telepathic abilities will become blocked by the strong emotional energy of worry.
Instead, be spontaneous! Communicate in the moment and go with whatever you get.
Assume that what you receive is true until you discover otherwise. That’s the best way to learn telepathic communication with animals.

Suzie and the bird in the yard together.
Very cool! Thank you Neddda, Donna, Suzi, and birds!
Thank you all for sharing this story!. It is really magical to get a glimpse into
the loving hearts of our fellow beings.