Yesterday I spoke with Echo in her spirit body for the first time since the litter of kittens were born at Reprise Siamese Cattery in Virginia. Echo came in looking as she always has – a magnificent Arabian.
“Hello, darling, I’m so happy to be with you. I wasn’t sure I would meet you in your equine form, now that you’re in a kitten body.” I told her.
“Well, most of me doesn’t fit into such a tiny body,” Echo quipped, laughing about how she didn’t exactly fit into a horse body either. The soul is quite a bit larger than any physical form on the planet, even whales and giant prehistoric animals.
“Have you settled on a name yet,” I asked her. “Everyone is asking and I’m very curious, too.”
“You’ve been getting it all along. You just didn’t trust yourself,” she replied.
What I got at first was Star, then Starlight. The registration name will include the cattery name.*
“Yes,” Echo confirmed. “You can call me Starlight or Star. Either one is fine.”
“How are you enjoying being a kitten?”
“Better, now that my eyes are open and I can actually see. It’s a lot of work figuring out how the body works and learning how to manage it.” And speaking of that, Echo disappeared back into the higher realms.
The story continues in A Reincarnation Adventure Part 3: Patience Is Essential
Echo-Star is a very beautiful name to be named as a special star!
Hi, Linda,
“Echo” won’t be part of her new name, as I understand it. But then I’m not really sure anything is set in stone yet. We still have to figure out which kitten she is. That’s the first priority, really. 🙂
How extrordinary, it is a great blessing the come back of Echo! I am still under th spell of the magnficent communication I had the honour to have with her during one of your classes, it was so powerful and enchanting.
I just got some message from her, she makes me sense she is coming to help you in something and it is very important….
Judith ….and Tobiano
Yes, Judith, I feel it too. It’s important for her to be here now, which is one of the reasons why I was able to stop putting up all kinds of mental/emotional blocks and just accept that she is coming and that it’s not only important, but totally wonderful.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that ALL is in “right order” because I am living from my higher guidance. This was a good instance for me to remember that and to know that all the nitty-gritty details will work out. 🙂