Book Review by Nedda Wittels
Commentary by Violet and Sakhara
This November, 2011, just after the electricity was turned back on at my home in Connecticut, Cathy Wells spoke at the Animal Communicator Forum about Tellington TTouch™, a system based on Moshe Feldenkrais’ techniques for healing from neurological injuries. The timing was perfect for me personally, because Cathy reminded me how powerful TTouch™ is for animals.
I had first taught myself the basic techniques of TTouch™ many years ago when Echo, my horse companion, had some special needs that nothing else was able address. Why I never made the connection between TTouch™ and cats eludes me. However, listening to Cathy’s program made me realize that both my feline companions, Violet and Sakhara, would greatly benefit from this powerful system.
Cathy recommended the book by Linda Tellington-Jones called “Getting in TTouch with Your Cat.” (If you have dogs, there is a similar book specifically for dogs.) I am delighted to say that it proved to be exactly what I needed to help my two furry, purry gals.
What’s terrific about this book?
- Easy to read.
- Clear instructions on the various touches.
- Excellent and beautiful photos demonstrating the touches.
- Well organized.
- Good indexing to help you find what you need in specific situations.
- Suggestions on how to accustom your feline companion to TTouch™.
What’s missing from this book?
Unfortunately, a very basic and key piece of information is not included:
- Instructions on how to choose the correct pressure for applying the Touch.
Despite this key missing piece, I do recommend this book to anyone who loves cats and wants to assist them. It can help them be more comfortable in their physical body and to cope with the many challenges of life. I dare say, from Cathy’s talk, that it would be a huge benefit to use with feral cats as well, as it includes methods for helping a cat accept touch in general.
“I don’t like to admit it, but the nearly 2 weeks we had no heat were very stressful for me. Nedda worked hard to take care of all of us and to keep me warm enough. Still, that first night the sound of crashing, crying trees was so painful and the house and ground shook. I know Nedda was up most of that night and I tried to help her stay calm, but it was a challenge for all of us.
“By the time we got the lights and warmth back into the house, I was exhausted and very tense. I just couldn’t seem to completely let my body go and relax. One day, Nedda started doing these weird circles on my body. At first I didn’t like them, but then quite suddenly, my muscles started going limp on their own.
“It was like magic because I felt myself unwind. I could stretch again. I felt like running and jumping again. And I did all these things. My body relaxed at last. Of course, by this time I was exhausted and I did get sick, but I’m sure I healed faster with these funny circles on my body.”
“I really enjoyed the time we had no lights. It was cooler in the house and I love the cool air. It makes me feel energized. So I was fine during the time Nedda slept on the sofa, although it was kind of crowded for the 3 of us.
“When Nedda started doing circle movements on my body, it felt a bit weird, but basically ok. I relaxed into it right away. For me it was just a different way to be stroked.
“For me, the TTouch stuff helps me when I detox. When I make energetic shifts, my digestive system does a lot of the cleansing work. I just have to throw up the junk my body wants to get rid of. Sometimes I need help to get rid of it. I need to eat stuff to make me vomit. But by then I feel really yucky.
“When I have these detoxing times, I’ve noticed that Nedda does funny things with my body. She calls it a “belly lift” and she uses that along with the circles all over my body. It really helps a lot to make me feel better faster.”
I can’t imagine a better testimonial than hearing from the cats themselves.
Hello Nedda,
That’s great testimonials. I’ve bought the book you are refering to after a TTouch workshop but never read it! Isn’t that odd? Now, I feel like my cats, especially one of them who loves it when I do TTouch once in a while, could get benefit from TTouch healing. Your testimonial and those of Violet and Sakhara come at the right time for me and my cats. Thank you!
Hi, Jeannine,
As I read your comment I hear 2 feline voices chiming in. “Tell Jeannine she should use it every day.” Is this a hint for me to do this too? “Yes.”
Let me know how your cats feel after several days of TTouch.
After listening to the telecast, I ordered the Linda Tellington-Jones CD. I’ve watched it two times and enjoyed it. The CD says just what Cathy said, to use the same pressure you might use if rubbing your eye–very gentle. I’ve used it on my dogs and myself. I need to practice more. I guess next time I use it on a dog or cat I’ll have to ask the animal about the experience. I’ll let you know if I get any responses. I don’t have any cats at home but I interact with many, many cats at the rescue where I volunteer.
Yes, Sharon, that’s the piece that not in the book. Too bad, really, because it is simple to explain and to understand it when you press on your own eyeball. I guess I feel that if someone just picks up the book, they might be missing out on something very significant.
Hi Nedda and all, We have been using TTouch with our cats for a couple of years, from the old book that is SO interesting because it talks about the whole discovery and use with every sort of animal (inexpensive as used book). Have recently bought the new version you review here, just for cats, and it is perfect to work with. Our cats also didn’t take to it the first few tries, but love it now, even the ears. Haven’t tried the gums yet…
Gums. Glad you mentioned that. I didn’t remember that part, but so many cats today have such poor diets and allergies and lose a lot of teeth or have a lot of dental surgery. I’ll bet this technique is amazing for helping prevent and clear up gum problems. Did you have that experience?