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Help an injured wild animal with Animal Communication, Flower Essences, and More.
Helping a wild animal who is injured may be a daunting task, especially when you're not sure what to do. I once had some roofers at my home putting some gooey tar-based stuff on part of my roof. A beautiful little bird got stuck in the tar before it dried, and...
Helping Your Animals Through Challenging Times
Photo by Nedda Wittels Forsythia flower essence is helpful in removing old, useless patterns of thoughts and emotions, including addictions. If you're feeling stressed, your animals are also feeling stressed. And even if you're perfectly calm with no fear or anxiety...
Melissa, the Huntress.
She arrives quietly, silent as a shadow. her deep minky coat blending into darkness, invisible to my eyes. She sits next to my feet, so close, yet untouching. Not even her tail moving. A presence I do not feel. I am unaware that she's there. Melissa, the perfect...
Case Study: Orphaned Newborn Alpaca Thrives When Telepathic Communication Creates Optimal Solutions for Survival.
Copyright © Nedda Wittels, January 8, 2020. As soon as I picked up the phone and heard Keiko's voice, I knew something urgent was going on. Star, mother of a newborn Alpaca, called a cria, had died within 24 hours of his birth. Fortunately, she had been able to nurse...
Ten Reasons I Love Communicating Telepathically with Animals
Can you find Starlight in this photo? by Nedda Wittels Of all the professions I have had over my lifetime, Animal Communicator is the one I love the best and have had the longest - 20 years as of this writing. Communicating telepathically with animals brings so many...
Animal Communication and energy healing can help animals experiencing ongoing symptoms of trauma and stress.
Many rescued animals experience symptoms similar to post traumatic stress. They need help to heal before they can integrate into your family. Animal Communication and Energy Healing are two powerful tools to assist them. Why do so many animals experience symptoms of...
Melissa, what’s your favorite food? “Mouse.” That’s life with a jungle kitty.
Jungle kitty, Melissa, at home on the lawn, having a grass snack. That wasn't the answer I was expecting, but, of course, that's why Animal Communication is so important. It definitely helps us understand the animal's perspective. Melissa is now almost 4 and half...
The Amazing Benefits of Energy Healing for Humans and Animals.
We all live in overlapping fields of energies. These fields includes your physical body, your auric field (which consists of 6 additional bodies), electromagnetic fields that emanate from your organs and other body parts, and the energies of everyone and everything...